
目前分類:Homework (12)

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Oscar  Wilde was an Irish playwright, novelist, poet, and short story writer. Known for his barbed wit, he was one of the most successful playwrights of late Victorian London, and one of the greatest celebrities of his day. As the result of a famous trial, he suffered a dramatic downfall and was imprisoned for two years of hard labour after being convicted of the offence of "gross indecency". The scholar H. Montgomery Hyde suggests this term implies homosexual acts not amounting to buggery in British legislation of the time.

王爾德為愛爾蘭裔劇作家、小說家、詩人與短篇小說作家。以嘲諷式的幽默而聞名,他是維多利亞時代倫敦晚近時期最成功的劇作家之一,亦為當時最偉大的名人之一。成名的結果是他經歷一個戲劇性的低潮,因觸犯”粗俗的猥褻罪”被判服勞役2年。學者Montgomery Hyde 提醒這個詞在當時英國法律暗示同性戀行為但並不相當於雞姦。

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The Count Noun

Nouns name people, places, and things. Many nouns have both singular and plural forms. If you can add a number to the front of a noun and put an -s at the end of it, you have a count noun. Check out these examples:
Beatrice offered Jeremy a chocolate-chip cookie.
Jeremy, an impolite pig, grabbed all seventeen cookies off of the plate.

Cookie is a count noun. You can have one cookie, or you can be a pig like Jeremy and have seventeen cookies.

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The Sentence Fragment

Recognize a fragment when you see one.

A fragment results whenever you do these three things:

  •  You begin a group of words with a capital letter.
  •  You conclude this group of words with an end mark--either a period (.), question mark (?), or exclamation point (!).

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The Infinitive 不定詞

Recognize an infinitive when you see one. 

To sneeze
, to smash, to cry, to shriek, to jump, to dunk, to read, to eat, to slurp--all of these are infinitives. An infinitive will almost always begin with to followed by the simple form of the verb. 

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please choose several items from this list to write a travel note of any nightmarket you'd been to.

蚵仔煎    Oyster omelet
麻辣豆腐   Spicy hot bean curd

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Recognize a compound verb when you see one.





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  1. hooked adj. 上癮的
  2. underlying adj. 含蓄的,愛愛內含光的
  3. telltale adj. 大嘴巴洩底的
  4. devour v.  狼吞虎嚥(像大陸人)吃
  5. worldlier adj. 老練的

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  1. unruly 任性的
  2. insolent 傲慢無禮的
  3. composure 鎮靜
  4. derivative 派生的
  5. abridge 刪節

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1.take on v. 呈現;承擔;穿上
2.aspiration n. 熱望,志向,抱負;渴望達到的目的 
3.hold down (idiom) 保有(工作等);抑制;壓制
4.(anxiety)-prone 有()的傾向() can be sensitivity, anger, or hatred...etc
5.lofty 高聳的;崇高的;高級的

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  1. auspicious
  2. enticing
  3. repugnant
  4. uptight
  5. lackluster
  6. dislodge
  7. gory
  8. clamor
  9. priggishness
  10. propensity
  11. onset
  12. whereas
  13. saddle
  14. ditch
  15. withhold
  16. glimpse
  17. ambiance
  18. quest
  19. sprawling
  20. comeback

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  1. roundup n. 趕攏;被趕在一起的家畜;召集;集攏;圍捕;綜合報導;綜述
  2. uncertainty n. 不確定;不確信;易變;不可靠[U];不確定的事物;難以預料的事物[C][P1
  3. consecutive adj. 連續不斷的;連貫的
  4. claim
  5. Tournament

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1.surge n. 大浪,波濤;洶湧;奔騰;(感情的)高漲,澎湃[S1]激增[(+in)][S1] vi. (海浪)洶湧;奔騰 [Q];(人)蜂擁而至[Q];(感情)洶湧,澎湃[Q][(+up)];猛衝;激增[Q] 
2.conundrum n. 謎語;難題;機智問答
3.smash v. / n. 粉碎 adj. 轟動一時的,極為成功的 
4.have a stake in (idiom) 有利害關係 
5.relentless adj. 殘酷的,無情的;不間斷的,持續的;堅韌的,不懈的

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